H.O.P.E. is a grass roots 501(c) 3 non-profit agency that assists in supporting education, child/youth services and programs for our at risk and homeless youth; as well as assisting our heroes (veterans) in obtaining appropriate housing and medical benefits.
H.O.P.E. works closely with our Veterans, who have sacrificed their freedoms so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have in the United States today. Our greatest strengths are the little decisions that we make today that will change tomorrow.
Our agency provides services and support through training programs (for parents, educators, community health agencies, etc.), consultations (by phone, website, mail, email, lending library and personal meetings), referrals, and collaborative initiatives (with other non-profit organizations, mental health agencies, school systems, etc.)
H.O.P.E. was formed in 2010, became incorporated in 2018 and received its 501(c) 3 status in 2022.
What small thing can you do today?
Show Us Your Photos Of H.O.P.E.
Each week check our website to see if your picture of H.O.P.E. has made it in our gallery.
We love to share your pictures with the world. Proving that Hawai'i has a strong love for their fellow man, whether they are our own family or a stranger on the street. Everyday, Hawai'i has H.O.P.E. "We can ALL make a change".
Welcome to our Ohana
H.O.P.E. accepts donations to help expand our programs on Oahu and across the Hawaiian Islands. H.O.P.E. would like to be present in every school, private and public alike, to help guide and keep our children, our future, on the true path to success.